Management of the deteriorating person

Restore 2 mini (Recognise Early Soft Signs, Take Observations, Respond, Escalate) logo


In September 2019, using national Ageing Well funding, the former Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group (SCCG) financed a pilot to introduce the RESTORE2 model to care homes for the management of the deteriorating individual. RESTORE2 is a clinical tool that supports staff to identify early detection of deterioration using ‘Soft Signs’ and NEWS2 and promotes enhanced communication to supporting services using the SBARD tool.


The objectives of the project were: 

  • To focus care home residents achieving a better outcome. So that the resident would be kept in their own environment where possible, and that they would be responded to in a timely manner. Furthermore, at the same time reducing the number of callouts to primary care and the ambulance service.  
  • To educate and empower care home staff in identifying deterioration and to implement appropriate assessment and intervention to manage the resident. 
  • To provide guidance through a validated tool such i.e., NEWS2, to support the assessment of residents.
  • To ensure that appropriate intervention is provided, and concerns are communicated effectively using high quality information.