Brenda Riley
Why I joined the forum
I broke my ankle nearly 5 years ago and so I was suddenly and unexpectedly reliant on social care for a brief time. Also, as I am 75 years old, it becomes increasingly likely that I and/or my friends will be reliant on social care in the relatively near future.
Areas of interest
I am interested in Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) in various spheres, but mainly in Health Research. I am a member of 3 health research PPI groups, and I am on the steering committee of 3 health research studies.
I first met Laura Cook [forum facilitator] when I joined a group which she ran on the use of technology in social care and self-management in 2016. I have been a member of various groups which she has run ever since. I continue to be very interested in such technology. I have type 1 diabetes, so I am personally very reliant on such technology. I am also involved with Sheffield Diabetes UK and Diabetes research.
Knowledge & Skills
My previous employment was mainly in computing, and I then took a PGCE (Post Graduate Certificate for Education) for a brief career in teaching before I retired. Despite my previous I.T. experience, I now find ‘smartphones’ very challenging and I also don’t use social media.
John Kirkman
Why I joined the forum
To try to make services better for everybody by giving reasoned advice with evidence /case studies on how to make professionals more effective and insightful.
Areas of interest
Learning disability and/or autism, mental health, cancer, health and wellbeing of those on a low income.
Knowledge & Skills
I have good knowledge of autistic people, especially those with a learning disability. I also have a good knowledge of autism more widely from having taught in a school with an autistic resource. I have a knowledge of mental health through my son’s catastrophic anxiety and from taking part in Care and Treatment Reviews until stopped by my lymphoma.
- Ability to talk with coherence and passion.
- Good listener
- Able to debate in a civilised manner
Sarah Makepeace
Why I joined the forum
I am a Public Governor (Sheffield) for Sheffield Children’s NHSFT and thought the forum would enhance my understanding of health care in Sheffield. Also, as a parent/carer to a disabled medically fragile child, I have lived experience of many areas of the healthcare system and can contribute to the discussion.
Areas of interest
Children’s healthcare, special needs, complex care, disability, genetic and metabolic disorders and respite/hospice care.
Knowledge & Skills
I worked as an IT consultant running and project managing large projects. I then spent 13 years as a full time carer for a disabled child. During that time, we used over 30 different hospital departments. I trained as a volunteer for the Home Start charity helping families with pre school children with additional needs, and also volunteered at a Special Needs school.
I sit on the complex care steering group at Sheffield Children’s NHSFT.
Les Barker
Why I joined the forum
To consider proposed health policies, to express an opinion on them, and to make suggestions about how improvements might be made.
Areas of interest
Health and Social Care in Sheffield (as an old person)
Knowledge & Skills
- Problem solving, analytical.
- Experience of managing projects.
Alice Riddell
Why I joined the forum
I joined the forum because I feel it is important for service users to know what is being proposed for their area, and to give their informed opinions.
Areas of interest
• Children’s services.
• I am a member of the Sheffield Emergency Care Forum
• Palliative and bereavement care
• I am a member of Sheffield Safeguarding Board
Knowledge & Skills
I have been involved in Patient and Public Involvement for a number of years and have learned a great deal from other members.
Chris Sterry
Why I joined the forum
Ex. family carer who was caring for my disabled daughter, who had learning and physical disabilities and autism for 40 years. I continue to use all that experience and connect with health and social care authorities and the voluntary and charity sectors in Sheffield to endeavour to improve health and social care for everyone.
Areas of interest
Improving health and social care in Sheffield for family carers, and those with complex disabilities and autism.
Knowledge & Skills
Currently a Trustee of Sheffield Mencap & Gateway and Nomad Opening Doors and a carer representative on the LD Partnership Board and the Carers and Young Carers Partnership board as well as facilitating a LD Family Carers Support group and many other meetings.
Lee Harker
Why I joined the forum
I joined the forum to put something back. I’ve had a lot of help from the health authority in my life, I’m a 62-year-old man with Cerebral Palsy.
Areas of interest
I’ve had Home Care since I was 24 and when I first had home care I was married for 6 years, my wife also had Cerebral Palsy and at that time I could walk on crutches and she couldn’t walk, that is why we had 3 calls a day, for them to look after us.
I want to make sure that everyone gets good home care and medical care. I want to support people with not just physical disabilities but all disabilities.
I’ve been involved in disability politics since I was 20 years old, I support people in day services fighting for the Disability Rights Bill, and was involved in planning the building of Meadowhall, looking at accessibility for disabled and abled body people.
Knowledge & Skills
I have been around people with disabilities all my life and have an understanding of what people need. I’ve had social care for nearly 40 years, since I was 24.
I have sat on committees and have an understanding of how the health authority and social care works. Because I also have dyslexia, and can’t read newspapers, I listen to a lot of news and information programmes and listen to the radio to understand what is happening with health and social care.
Blake Williamson
Why I joined the forum
I have a passion to make Sheffield an equitable place for everyone to live.
Areas of interest
My interests lie in co-production and Disability Equality training. These are the corner stones for working together.
Knowledge & Skills
The not listened to voice is something I bring as a non-verbal communicator. My lived experience of education, social and health care give me a unique view of services and their function for disabled citizens. I feel I use my studies to promote equality and inclusion for all.