There is already a wealth of work ongoing in our partnership to improve the emotional wellbeing of our young people in the city. Social Care, health services and schools are working well together on this agenda. There are two new areas of work through which the HCP is keen to explore and develop further:
- Improving our approach to how health and care support is provided as children grow into adulthood. To develop a much more seamless and supportive experience (and where necessary, ‘transition’) of care.
- We aim to develop a different, improved and joined up approach for preschool children and their families: improving wellbeing, joining up information, identifying children at risk of poor outcomes and putting in place support at the earliest opportunity.
Progress over the last few months has included:
- South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) and Sheffield Children’s NHSFT have been successful in bidding for two further Mental Health Support Teams (MHSTs) in Sheffield. The new MHSTs will start training and be operational January 2023 and will bring coverage of MHSTs in Sheffield to approximately 50% of pupils.
- A new draft City Early Years Strategy “Start for Life Sheffield” will be shared with all stakeholders for consultation at the beginning of July.