Background and development of the training workshops
‘to enable the people of Sheffield to live a life they value, and allow people and communities to have greater control over what matters to them.
Our definition of ‘person-centredness’ from Shaping Sheffield
Peak Health Coaching is being commissioned by Sheffield ACP to develop and deliver training in person-centred approaches across the health and care sector in Sheffield. This is targeted at front-line health and care workers (NHS Band 2-4 staff), who are most likely having interactions and conversations with patients, families and carers in their everyday work. There is then a great opportunity for them to have a significant influence on how person-centred care is realised in the organisations they work for.
Introduction to Person-Centred Approaches workshop
This workshop was developed after a number of consultations with individuals from across the ACP partners and our patient and public involvement group, the Improving Accountable Care (IAC) forum.
Peak Health Coaching started delivering this via Zoom in August 2020. Currently the workshop has run 14 times and has been attended by 200 staff members from across the health and care sector in Sheffield.
Workshop overview
The workshop lasts for 3 hours, and focusses on how to set-up and have a really good ‘What Matters to You’ (WMTY) conversation, and why this is so important for workers in health and social care. Participants are taught how they could adopt a coaching mind-set and use coaching techniques to practise having a good WMTY conversation, considering how they can utilise this at work, home or with friends.
The objectives of the workshop are as follows:
- Engage you in a case for change towards a person-centred approach
- Understand coaching approaches that can enable person-centred care
- Learn by experience, using the WMTY conversation as an example
- Appreciate the role coaching to enhance your own resilience, as well as those you support
- Consider how these approaches could fit in their specific workplace
- Generate interest in, and plan for future learning.
Feedback from participants
Results of pre and post questionnaires completed by participants on the workshop show an increase in understanding of person-centred approaches to working with their service users, and show they considered person-centred approaches more important to the services they are involved in.
‘The lead facilitators were very skilled, and the materials very accessible to a necessary broad range of professional roles. The core materials meet the learning objectives very well, but I also enjoyed the scope given to add to this and be flexible’
‘It was a great introduction to the values of the person centred approach and the methods by which to apply the approach. Because it was an interactive session we got to see how the approach works in different scenarios with different client groups.’
‘It was well planned and allows each participant time to speak and give their views. It allowed me time to think of the approaches I use as a social worker and how I can put what I have learnt into practice.’
‘I found it very useful. Really appreciated the sub groups to allow participants to engage in discussions without feeling overwhelmed by the number. It was insightful to how I thought I was offering patient centred care when really, I was directing them. Good course and would recommend’
‘For me this has been the best online workshop that I have participated in. It was interactive and well managed. It was very informative and enjoyable. I have learnt so much information that will help me in the community.’
‘The workshop was very supportive to all participating, and thank you for taking me with you.’
Some feedback from participants after the workshop.
Train the Trainers
Following attending this workshop six attendees went through a two-day Train the Trainer (TtT) programme in preparation to co-facilitate two sessions with a coach from Peak Health Coaching. They now have the opportunity to deliver as many sessions of this workshop that they and their organisations would like them to do.
View the upcoming sessions of this workshop delivered by our Train the Trainers and register.
Foundation and Intermediate Health Coaching
Following attending the Introduction to Person-Centred workshop participants then have the opportunity to attend the Foundation and later Intermediate Health Coaching workshops delivered by Peak Health Coaching. Sheffield ACP joined Sheffield CCG commissioning these workshops as part of a drive to create ‘a flourishing and thriving Sheffield by developing our people in a joined up way to deliver holistic, person-centred and integrated care’ (ACP Workforce Strategy, 2019).
Health and Wellbeing Coaching enables people to gain the knowledge, skills, tools and confidence to become active participants in their care so that they can reach their own goals.
Goal of Health and Wellbeing Coaching
In these two workshops, participants will learn to ask the right questions, set motivational goals, understand the obstacles and barriers to success and discover the importance of eliciting their patient’s ideas to achieve the outcomes they want.
View the upcoming sessions of these workshops and register.
Visit the Peak Health Coaching Website and Twitter page to find additional resources.