Nationally, over the last couple of years, we have seen a drive towards health and care organisations working more closely together to provide more joined up care for their population.
Locally there are significant health inequalities in Sheffield, and despite the progress made in improving the health of the population over the last few years, there is still more work that we can do as a partnership to address these inequalities.
Organisations involved with health and social care have agreed collectively that a different approach is required. The starting point is a shared vision, aims, priorities, objectives and a set of principles that shape the way we work together. This is where the HCP comes in; to bring our organisations more closely together with the ambition “for our health and care services to be integrated, joined up, and seamless; to reduce and remove inequalities in health outcomes and access to support, by playing our full role as anchor organisations in our city, and to do all this in a way that involves people, their experiences and our communities at the centre of our work” Sheffield HCP – Health and Care in Sheffield in 2030
These short videos help to explain how the NHS works and how joined up care can benefit patients.
How does the NHS in England work and how has it changed?
Strong Integrated Care Systems Everywhere:
Joined-up care: Sam’s story: